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Iphone; the intangible precursor and motivator:

Iphone since 2007 has entirely transformed mobile phone industry, internet usage and it might be better to say that it has influenced the entire society as a whole. The transformation iphone  gave was not only its design but there are some superfluous  characteristics that build a Smartphone which was a full fleeced hand held computer that can browse internet along with making calls. Iphone has richly influenced modern life, commerce, and culture for the past ten years and has revolutionary’s technological development. Iphone has developed a portable personnel technology infrastructure which is substantially expandable.

Iphones creator with his imagination and velour entirely transformed mobile technology using cool nurse interface apple sowed high by installing completely proficient computer operating system on iphone with some application programme. Apple introduced a programme that handle making and receiving calls , display voice mail messages and a system keeping different messages from different contacts separate , and email app , a web browser and also an apple music echo system.

Apple technicians not only developed a [palm sized computer but also apples own software which runs on all iphones  making them unique , user friendly, extremely popular ,Omni present with momentous prospective.

The panorama of making completely practically hand held computer entirely changed the ways mobiles are being used for apple software is more matter of concern than hardware this approach reallocated mobile industries trends and economy capital now role on not only from the selling of devices but also from marketing and selling apps. App developers share profits with corporations that are in command smart phones operating system
Apple clutch 15% market of mobile phones but gather 80% of Smartphone earnings world wide
Whenever anything which is a game changer in tech industry is embarked it will probably be co related to smart phones and associated infra structure which is revolutionaries by iphone. Iphone will always remain an integer able precursor and motivator off all the development in devices operating around us.

After revolutionizing cell phone industry for ten years ago iphone and is successor has given such technology to smart phone which is a must have in all smart phones.

               ------multi touch screen:
Iphone for the first time featured a 3.5 inch LCD  screen with multitouch technology it permitted features as pinch to zoom and interface that presented on screen elements as existent objects . it embossed the screen the whole face of the phone which was the foundation of numouros devices and other innovations

                ------all in one device:
Apples iphone put mobile computer in any individuals and making them do whatever they want to. apple for the first time developed a phone that is business oriented with email applications and calendar along with camera and music that permitted consumer to carry out majority of productivity tasks that are smart phones designed for

                -----mobile internet:
Safari of iphone brought a whole new experience of internet and was a trend setter. This introduction of internet gave rise to the ongoing internet ever connected social news and social networks
                ------the app store
Iphone made software development essential. Apples this contribution encouraged app economy that is present now, all the multinational gaming companies owe their existence to the revolution initiated by iphone

                -------Google maps
Iphone initially urged Goole to build for Google mapping in smart phones.
Original iphone didn’t have GPRS but latter versions allowed goggle to add turn by turn satellite navigation aptitude which is currently a bench mark in all smart phones 

To make smart phone experience flawless apple in corporate accelerometer that made iphone able to when turned sideways so that the screen could be rotated automatically this sensor is a musty have feature for all smart phones now. Many apps are now build on this new iphone initiated feature like mobile racing games etc
                --------gorilla glass:
Screen is a prominent and integral part of smart phones which are to be made such that they can’t be easily smashed. Apple in this field came forward and for the first time developed a thin toughened glass for iphone screen calling t gorilla glass. This is a crack and scratch resistant glass and is now a standard for mobile devices. 

                --------fingerprint scanner:
Apple along with many other trends extremely popular in smart phones first a amalgamated a fingerprint scanner in its devices. This pioneering tech has many uses in their devices now such as unlocking phones or making payments.

                -------virtual assistance:
Apple develops SIRI with the help of a company that revolutionized the whole industry. apples idea of virtual assistance was acquired by many has taken the technology to higher levels but it owe it originally to apple

                 -------- NO headphone jacks:
Apple made a bold decision to eliminate headphone jack from iphones although it is quite controversial and was criticised allot apple took this bold step to get rid of century old technology of headphones to move towards slimmer devices for wireless future. Although much criticized and declared expensive other companies are also adopting this new suit.

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