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The top free Android games in 2018: try these out now

What's better than a free game? Well, pretty much nothing. Excepting when it's just terrible and you've wasted your good time to download it.

Sure, it's not going to value you anything, but that doesn't mean it's OK to just mess around with dreadful games that are free because the developer can't make you pay anything for it in good conscience.

So what are you supposed to do about it? Well, we're here to support you with all that - but before you get into the top gallery around for recommendations, here's some information to consider.

Firstly, consider what kind of game you want to spend your time on. Time, in this case, is literally the equal of money here. Do you want a quick game that you can play effortlessly, or something that's going to be a bit more in-depth?

If it's the latter, then you'll perhaps have to receive that you'll need to either view some ads or in-app buying to get the good stuff, as most developers don't want to give away their time for free.

However, there are approximately brilliant astonishments out there as well - some lovely people apply hours coding brilliant games that they just let you play for free.

Also reason about the sort of games that you need for your phone - if it's a high-powered game that's a visual treat, it's not going to be much usage on a phone that comes from four years ago and has a small display.

Right, got all that? Great - you need to get cracking and finding out which titles are correct for you. Get your mouse clicking or fingers swiping... we assurance there will be somewhat you'll enjoy in here.

New this week: AZ Rockets

AZ Rockets is the follow-up to 99 Rockets, an insanely hard precision shooter containing little triangular craft on rails. The aim was to explosion objects as the ships moved along a pre-defined path. One miss and your game rapidly ended.

AZ Rockets originally seems very similar, but this time the game’s ‘merely’ hard – a timer has substituted ‘one error means game over’. Also, your targets are now letters, which when all shot frequently spell out a message of encouragement.

You’ll probably need it, but this mixture of the whimsical and tough-but-fair gameplay makes for a compelling concoction. And given the clockwork nature of the levels, this is a game you can possibly master – without being the kind of one-thumb gaming mastermind necessary for success in 99 Rockets.

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